Martha Peace
“Brian Borgman has written a wonderfully Christ-centered and God-glorifying book about how, by God’s grace, to restore your emotions to God’s image. Feelings and Faith paints a biblically accurate picture of, as the Puritan pastors expressed it, ‘holy emotions.’ It does not dismiss emotions as some do nor does it worship emotions as some do. This is an important book and I highly recommend it.”

“A brilliant book that gets to the theology of emotion and also engages with the practical application of that theology in our lives. I wish I’d have had this book in my teens and that this content was taught more often – what help it would have been to me! Well here’s a book that does it – reading highly recommended!”

“Good and helpful, but not quite what I was expecting. Most of what’s in this book can be found in a lot of Christian living books dealing with fear, depression, joy, etc. Definitely has a lot of truth worth considering and applying.”

Feelings and Faith


Feelings and Faith: Cultivating Godly Emotions in the Christian Life

By Brian S. Borgman

Emotions are a vital part of what it means to be a human being made in the image of God and redeemed in Jesus Christ.

But often our emotions confuse and mislead us. So, what is the proper place for emotions in a Christian’s walk of faith?

In Feelings and Faith, Brian Borgman draws from his extensive biblical knowledge and his pastoral experience to help readers understand both divine and human emotions.

After laying a biblical foundation he moves on to practical application, focusing on how Christians can put to death ungodly emotional displays and cultivate godly emotions.

This biblically informed, practical volume, is helpful for pastors, counselors, and serious-minded Christians who wish to develop a full-orbed faith that encompasses their emotional life.